
Patients are examined and various standard investigations are carried out before the detailed IVF process. Couples are advised to attend together when all their test results are analysed. They are provided with privacy and sufficient clinical time. Each stage of investigation and treatment is explained to the patient in order to individualise the patient’s management.


Semen analysis

The husband contacts our embryologist Tinei on +263 77 342 2234 and submits semen that is usually produced by masturbation. Semen analysis looks at the number of sperms, their ability to move as well as their shape. All these parameters determine if a man’s sperms is able to fertilize eggs normally.



Transvaginal ultrasound scan

Transvaginal ultrasound scan is done to evaluate the pelvic organs and to exclude conditions that may reduce the success of IVF such as fibroids, hydrosalpinx, endometrial polyps, polycystic ovaries and endometriomas. If these conditions are identified, interventions are offered to improve IVF outcomes.


Female blood tests

Are carried out to check for ovarian reserve which is the number of remaining eggs in a woman. We use Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) which is not dependent on the day of the menstrual cycle.




Laparoscopy and dye studies

Laparoscopy and dye studies is offered to patients in order to evaluate tubal patency. Its advantage is that it is diagnostic and therapeutic. We usually perform hysteroscopy and endometrial scratch at the same sitting. Hysteroscopy enables us to visualise the uterine cavity.



Infections screen

Couples are screened for infections such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea which may cause subfertility by blocking the fallopian tubes.

We also screen for infections that can be transmitted to the baby.This includes HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and Rubella. If infections are present we offer interventions that prevent mother to child transmission.